
Gujaratis' Passion for Tourism: A Cultural Journey

by Wagh Bakri on May 24, 2024

A Gujarati family travelling

Have you ever noticed big, happy families, full of energy, taking over tourist spots in India and foreign countries as well? Those might just be Gujaratis! They're known for three things: amazing theplas, love for travel and Wagh Bakri chai.

Does this remind you of those Gujarat tourism ads featuring Amitabh Bachchan? Read on to re-live a lot of nostalgia.

Table of contents

  1. Why do Gujaratis travel so much?
  2. Gujarati diaspora across the world
  3. Gujaratis love their roots
  4. 5 Mind Blowing facts about Gujarati
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

Why do Gujaratis travel so much?

Gujaratis are known to travel across the world and not just during vacation but throughout the year. How come? Let’s try to understand:

Trade & History

Gujarat's location along the coast makes it perfect for ports and trading. For centuries, the state has been a hub for trade routes, with markets bustling with merchants from all over the world. This constant exchange of people and ideas gave Gujaratis a glimpse of the outside world, sparking their curiosity and desire to explore. Many early Gujaratis travelled for trade and returned with fascinating stories, inspiring future generations to venture out and see the world. This strong tradition of business and trade has made travelling a natural part of their lives.

Family on Wheels

Family is a huge part of Gujarati culture, so they often travel together with the whole family, sometimes with extended family as well. Unlike Western countries where vacations are solo adventures, you’ll see Gujaratis in big groups, right from grandparents to grandkids. Imagine the fun! Exploring new places together creates memories and a bond between generations. Think about it – your grandparents telling stories about their trips when they were young, or teaching your kids about different cultures while travelling together.

Spiritual Journeys

Gujarat has a rich religious heritage, and many Gujarati families travel to important pilgrimage sites. Places like Dwarka, Somnath, and Palitana hold special significance. These trips are a way to connect with their faith and explore the beautiful temples and stories behind them. Not just within Gujarat, but Gujaratis love to visit religious places elsewhere as well. You may often spot them in their own private bus with an extended family, infinite khakhras, theplas and Wagh Bakri Instant Tea Premix Masala.

Gujaratis = Foodies

Gujarat is the birthplace of some of the most “innovative” food combos like maggi bhajiya, ice cream vada pav, guava pakoda and chocolate samosa. Gujaratis are known as foodies from birth. So, it's no surprise that travel often includes exploring new food for them. Despite all their curiosity and excitement to try new food, they’re also infamous for something. Pure veg diet. Which is why you might see them carrying their own cook around when going in large groups. This might be the only community in the world who travels the whole world only to have their own Gujju food cooked by a Gujju cook at the end of the day.

Travelling for Success

Not all Gujaratis travel for fun or vacations. Gujaratis are by nature very entrepreneurial, a lot of them are successful business people (just a few examples: Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani and Dhirubhai Ambani) and often business takes them to many places. It might be to meet their clients or even to explore new markets to expand.

Gujarati diaspora across the world

The Gujarati diaspora (meaning originally Gujarati people who have settled outside India) plays a significant role in shaping their travel patterns. A lot of Gujaratis have settled in countries like the US (it has more Patel Motels than any other place in the world), the UK, Africa (Gujaratis run major businesses here), Australia and Canada. So naturally, a lot of Gujaratis travel internationally to visit family as well.

The reverse of this is also true. All the Gujaratis who have settled outside, often miss India, khakhra, thepla and Wagh Bakri chai, which brings them back home to India for vacations and long trips. How they wish they could buy tea online whenever they missed Wagh Bakri or India!

A Gujarati Thali
A Gujarati Thali

Gujaratis love their roots

Stand-up comics and everyone in general love to make jokes about Gujjus and their habits while travelling, but did you know there’s more to it? Gujaratis’ travel culture isn't just about visiting popular tourist spots. It's also about a deep desire to connect with their roots and heritage.

Many Gujaratis, particularly those living abroad, come back to India to visit and witness their ancestral villages. These aren't your typical sightseeing trips. They try to learn more about family history and traditional festivals and even learn forgotten skills passed down through generations. It's a way to reconnect with their roots and preserve their cultural heritage, especially since they are living away from India.

Even Gujaratis who live in India might often migrate to other cities and states for opportunities. So they love to sometimes reconnect with distant relatives from their home village and share a cup of Wagh Bakri chai while remembering the old days. These trips to the ancestral village tours are a way for Gujaratis to indulge in nostalgia and to show their kids the roots of the family.

5 Mind Blowing facts about Gujarati

Gujarat’s Map
Gujarat’s map
  1. Gujarat has a long and well-documented history of vegetarianism. In fact, Emperor Ashoka, who ruled much of India in the 3rd century BCE, is said to have embraced vegetarianism after the Kalinga War. Jainism, a religion that emphasises non-violence and love for all living beings, grew easily in Gujarat, and its principles likely influenced the Gujarati diet.
  2. For centuries, Gujarat has been a centre of textile production in India. The state is famous for its colourful and intricately woven fabrics, such as patola silk, bandhani and kutch embroidery. These textiles were prized by royalty throughout India and are also exported around the world.
  3. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the leader of the Indian freedom movement during the British era, was born and raised in Porbandar, Gujarat. Today, Gujarat is home to many Gandhi-related memorials and ashrams, which attract visitors from all over the world.
  4. Surat in Gujarat is nicknamed the 'Diamond City' for a reason! It is the world's largest centre for cutting and polishing diamonds, accounting for over 90% of India's diamond cutting and polishing industry. The city is a major hub for the global diamond trade, and Surat's diamond artisans are renowned for their skill and expertise.
  5. Gujarat is the only home in the world to the majestic Asiatic lion. The Gir Forest National Park is a major refuge for these endangered species.


Gujaratis and travel, it's a match made in heaven! This love affair is more than just packing a suitcase; it's about family, religion, delicious food and seeing all the cool stuff the world has to offer.

Gujaratis love to travel in big, happy groups. The coolest thing? They’re also super interested in their roots. Some families even make special trips back to their old villages to learn about their history and celebrate local festivals. It's a way to keep their traditions alive and connect with their past.

So, the next time you see a Gujarati family having a blast on vacation, remember – it's more than just sightseeing.

Feeling the wanderlust? Think about visiting Gujarat! You can experience the amazing culture (and food!) for yourself (don't forget to try some Wagh Bakri tea while you're there!)


Why are Gujaratis so crazy about travel?

It's a mix of things! Business, family time and religion are three major reasons.

What kind of travel do Gujaratis enjoy?

They love big family vacations to popular tourist spots, and they're also adventurous enough to enjoy less explored destinations. For some, travel is about connecting with their religion, and for some, it’s about food!

I'm inspired! How can I learn more about Gujarati culture and travel?

There are many ways! Consider planning a trip to Gujarat to experience it firsthand. You can also explore Gujarati communities around the world or check out the Gujarat tourism website to learn more.